2024/04/03 Overview

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Overview of the Reading Group:

We’ve chosen to discuss Faith and Practice because we think it’s important to have a strong understanding of our Quaker faith and practice as our meeting continues to grow and as we consider our future, which may include becoming a monthly meeting. As the Foreword states, “[SEYM’S] Faith and Practice is an evolving record and guide, reflecting the growing experience of Friends in Southeastern Yearly Meeting as we seek to follow the Inner Light.” During this class, we will discuss portions of Faith and Practice that address worship experiences, testimonies, concerns, leadings, queries, advices, and the responsibilities of our meeting. We will also discuss the book’s sections on business meetings, and the various roles people play in them, membership, clearness committees, and other Quaker practices. Finally, we’ll discuss the history of Southeastern Yearly Meeting and of our own Jacksonville meeting.

Getting Faith and Practice:

Faith and Practice is a valuable book that all attendees or members should consider owning. There are multiple ways you can get it. If you click here, you can purchase the book from SEYM for $16.00 or download it for free as a PDF either in full or chapter by chapter. That webpage also has links for places where you can buy it for a Kindle or a different e-reader. A hardcopy of the book is also available through Amazon for $16.00 by clicking here.